Sunday, 25 January 2009

Bullet Boy Trailer Analysis.

Bullet Boy Trailer Analysis.

The Lighting in the trailer is not very bright. it shows that the films genre would not be fantasy or humor. By the title also being bullet boy it shows its going to contain violence. The lighting of the font is also very dull and the whole trailer shows people as black and white too and it shows that the film involves violence and people can tell from the trailer what the genre is and what the film could be about.

Props Used
The main props used in the trailer are, hoodies, guns, knives, and cars. The trailer only shows men. By focusing on the props the audience are able to see that the film involves violence and also by the props used we can see that the movie is based on criminals and revenge etc.


The main characters in the trailer are men, there is one woman but oinly shown in one scene. this shows that the target audience would be mainly targetted at men. By the way the characxters talk we can tell that the characters are from UK. we can also tell by the characters that the movie is targetted at teens or younger adults.

The main setting of the film is in the streets, in the house, in town, in cars, in a basket ball court. By the setting we can tell what the movie would be based on. therre are also not many settings in the trailer and the main settings are the streets and in the house..

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

MEST 1 ANALYSIS Superbad Analysis

I will be writing about the movie Superbad. This movie was released in late 2007. the genre of the movie is comedy and appeals mainly to teenagers. the movie involves drugs, teenage jokes.

The film is a movie which would be aimed at target audiences who are in their teens. the movie shows people in a school environment and everyday life of students and teenagers.

The movie is a highschool comedy. The institution of the movie is Columbia Pictures. this institution also made the movies: Hancock and The pursuit of happyness.

There are 3 main characters i n the movie who are Evan, Rebel and forgell. the mobvie is mainly based on their lifes and the three characters are very different and have different personalities. the way the three students talk to eachother and their discussions show that they are showing the main representation of males as they talk about sex etc.

The narrative shows that it follows Todorovs theorty it shows that the students are comfortable but when a problem comes up it shows the disequilibrium and then starts with a new equilibrium

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Monday, 5 January 2009

Harry Potter Trailer Analysis.

  • >> Harry Potter has many different flashbacks of the past in the trailer. He remembers people who are close to him. This would help the viewers to know what has been going on in his past life. The genre which is Fantasy is given away in the trailer as it shows wands and also magic being created.
  • >> The target audience who would watch Harry Potter's movies would be aged from 11-40. I think this as people who are in high school would watch this movie and also people who are teachers. As this is a fantasy and mysterical film i think that old people would also watch this movie. this movie is for all ages. Mainly would attract students as Harry is a student himself.

  • >> The music shows and created the fantasy which is the genre. the music aalso shows that there is action in the film. the scenes and lighting also shows that the film is not all fantasy but has action involved too, the characters quotations also show this.

  • >> Harry Potters Film is a sequal which is continued from the previous movie. the advantage of this is that the viewers who enjoyed his previous movie would want to see this movie to see what happens next. People who are new to Harry Potter could also know what is going on as Harry's flashbacks are shown and there are scenes in the trailer when the characters are discussing Voldemoret, This makes the new viewers think of who he could be.
  • >> Many props are used in the trailer such as: brooms,wants,wizard hats, costumes etc. this shows that this fulm is definately fantasy and by using all these props it shows it is not a normal film but is a film with a lot of interesting things used in it.
