Monday, 2 March 2009

Hitman Poster Analysis

I will now be analysing the poster of the video game (HITMAN)

The poster clearly shows it is a game poster from the symbols on the poster. the poster shows a woman who has been shot, she is lying down on the bed comfortably and only has one shot

the fact that it says BEUTIFULLY EXICUTED shows that she was not stabbed or shot more than once. the HITMAN was precice and did what he needed to.

The lady is shown as a sex object, we can see this from her dressing style. the misen scene shows 2 different sides of the poster and makes the viewer think.

The audiences of the video game would be poeple above 18 as it shows this on the poster and mainly men as it contains violence as we can see. These are the assumptions made. the videogame would not be targetted at females as they would show other things such as flowers or the solour pink rather than a woman who is dressed in this way.

the institution and games console on which the game is played on is PS2. this shows that the game would be of good quality etc. the other institutions such as EIDos would be the people who created the game.

The genre is violence and this is why it is rated 18. violence is shown from the heading HITMAN. BEUTIFULLY EXECUTED. the darkness in the poster, the shot in the neck. and the redness.

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